Thursday, December 29, 2011


How is it almost January?  This last month has absolutely flown by, and praise God, evidence of His work in Rome has been everywhere!

Over the Christmas holiday something that was on my mind was the continuity of God's promises and His plan.  We celebrate Christmas in recognition and thankfulness that Jesus Christ came down to earth.  This month I've been blessed with seeing tangible pieces of proof that God is still 'coming' in a sense, by moving through His Spirit in us today.  One day, Jesus Christ will come back to our world victorious again.  He has come, He is coming and moving, and He will come again!

There are so many things I could say about this month.  After three difficult months wondering if I would see fruit of ministry in Rome while I was here, or if that would not come until years later, God has been good in blessing that desire in my heart.  To recap quickly...

  • My very first English student that I tutored, now a friend to Taylor and myself, started asking questions a few weeks ago.  They first started with an intellectual interest in the differences between what we believe and the Catholic church, and in just a few weeks he's been brought to a point where he recognizes there is something missing in his life.  God is moving in his heart in an unbelievable way.  He told us that before he met us and started learning about our faith, he was behind a veil but now, little holes of light are piercing through.  ("Veil," really?  2nd Corinthians 3, anyone?)  He's confessed how he has a great life, money, looks, family, girlfriend, etc, but still feels lacking.  He's never met anyone that talks about God as we do, of how He's real and present in our lives.  God has taken an academic, classroom tutor relationship and transformed it into this...and our friend is so ripe for the gospel to seep into his heart through the conversations God creates!
  • One of the exchange girls I hosted in Athens and is now a friend of mine here told me the other week that she likes talking about 'religious things' with me, because she sees a difference in authenticity.  Over a simple lunch at McDonald's, I felt the Holy Spirit in a huge way guiding our conversation, leading her questions, and giving me answers to some things I had never thought of before.  On top of that, when she was telling me a story from her weekend and how her key got stuck in a hotel room lock and all the staff said it would not be possible for the door to open without a locksmith, she said she prayed, made her friend pray with her, and God answered by opening the door two minutes later!
  • When I was meeting my Italian language partner in a new coffee bar, some Irish study abroad students randomly approached me asking if I was Irish.  The Lord used that to create an immediate friendship with these three, and we hung out twice in the week after before they left for Christmas.  All three have seen some ugly, ugly things with violent conflicts between Catholic and Protestant churches growing up in Ireland, and all are incredibly turned off to the idea of religion, what for whatever reason they accept both me and my faith.  God has literally dropped these friends in my lap, and I could not be more excited about how He will grow our friendships this next semester.  
  • Taylor and I were invited to go to an overnight birthday party for a dear friend of ours.  Other than significant others, all the people there had been friends >15 years.  Though that type of party was a new experience for me, we could tell it meant a lot to our friend and validated his friendship with us in the eyes of his childhood group since we were included and chose to come.  I could tell some of them were surprised to see the random American girls there! We're praying that will open doors with the rest of his friends, that it helped show that though we hold different beliefs, we care about them and do not see ourselves 'above' them in any way.
  • We had our first prostitute outreach two Saturdays ago, and it was wonderful for our initial contact.  Four women on our team and a new friend who works with prostitutes in a different part of the city went, and we covered the same highway the four of us have been prayer-walking for months.  We gave all the girls (and three transvestites) little gift bags for Christmas, including our theme scripture verse (Isaiah 43:1-3).  Every girl but one took our offer, and several of them talked to us a bit.  It broke my heart actually talking to these girls, seeing how so many were younger than me, bubbly, beautiful, or scared, but I'm thankful the first experience has renewed our passion to pray for these girls and minister to them whenever we have opportunity.  One day the Lord will bring justice to all the trafficked victims, and until that day comes we will petition before Him.  What was also so neat about the outreach is it has given us a conversation topic with our friends (like my Irish friends), who are curious to why we would do something like that for those girls.  God certainly has a way of bringing everything together to bring glory to Himself!
Needless to say, we've been busy here!  Today was the second day of our Italian-American exchange program that we started in August, and so far it is going great.  Please be praying for us over this next week, that the Lord would use this time to create stronger relationships and show our sweet Italian friends Himself through us in vivid ways.  

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."
                                               -John 1:14

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


     How many things a day do you think we forget? A week? A year?  I used to pride myself on my memory because when it comes to events, occasions, important dates or anything schedule-related, I'm like a human's a little ridiculous and potentially creepy to those who don't know me.  Yet ever since I set out for this journey for Rome, back to the prep work in the states, the Lord has been gently convicting me of how easily we (or at least I) forget.  With today marking the 70th anniversary of the day "which will live in infamy," I've noticed a few lamenting how our generation no longer remembers the sacrifices from those before us or the significance to this day.  First it saddened me because I see the validity to that tragic thought, but then it got me thinking about how much more we forget about our God.
    Jesus said, " this in remembrance of me." -Luke 22:19
    Paul said, "Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved..." -1st Cor. 15:1-2a
    Moses said, "Remember this day in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the Lord brought you out from this place..." -Exodus 13:3
    The Lord said, "...tell them to make tassels on the corners of their you shall remember and do all my commandments, and be holy to your God." -Numbers 15:38,40
    David said, "Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles and the judgments he uttered.." -1st Chronicles 16:12
    Solomon said, "Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth..." -Ecclesiastes 12:1
    God said, "Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; i am God, and there is none like me." -Isaiah 46:8-9

      Notice a theme?  The list could go on and on.  There's a legitimate reason that God told the Israelites to set aside holy days and times for festivals...they were to be a time of remembrance, of fresh rejoicing or thanksgiving for how God provided or made Himself known in a difficult time.  Until last year I used to read about the forgetfulness of the Israelites who saw God performing these incredible miracles in the desert, and not understand how they could possibly forget His love and faithfulness.  However, as I was preparing to come here and needed to see God do the impossible to make it happen, I realized I'm no better than the Israelites.  Even today, the forgetfulness is something to battle.  When I have a month where little support comes in, instead of immediately going to the Lord knowing He will provide because He always has, I start to worry.  When I meet someone who breaks my heart because he/she seems so far away from knowing Christ, instead of remembering the 'impossible' conversions by the power of the Spirit, I get discouraged.  Praise the Lord for when I am faithless, He is faithful still!

      God has been gracious enough to encourage me in my ministry here over the past few days by letting me see His work in tangible ways.  Everything in Italy seems to take forever (probably because it does), so often 10.5 months doesn't possibly seem like enough time to make a difference.  That's me putting God in a box though, and forgetting (again) that He has brought me here for a purpose.  One of my students I tutor in English started asking me questions during our conversation lesson about my beliefs.  For whatever reason He wanted to drill me with questions about my faith and why I believe what I do, as well as hear differences from the church I know to the Catholic church and school he's experienced.  That's totally and only God.  When I was looking over an old prayer journal, I saw how the Lord had answered (and provided for) three of my four running requests from that summer in 2010.  I'm sure if I looked over all the things that had to come together last year for me to get here, I wouldn't even be able to keep up writing down all the ways God was faithful.  Yesterday I had a great lunch and hangout time with a girl I've been praying for since August, and I'm seeing how God is honoring and growing an unlikely friendship in a way that can only be attributed back to Him.

     While I'm away from family and friends at home, I truly am thankful for this holiday season.  Since the week of Thanksgiving the Lord has been giving me blessed reminders of all I have to be thankful for, all the reasons I can give Him praise no matter the circumstance or season of life.  We took Communion together around the lunch table on Thanksgiving, and I like how it was incorporated into our meal with a sense of normalcy because remembering what Christ did for us should be a constant part of my daily life.  I finally got a picture of our whole team together (yay, holidays), so now you can have faces for the team when you pray for us!
Thanksgiving, and my Rome family :)